Suicide prevention grant to Wisconsin United Coalition of Mutual Assistance Association, Inc. [Sec. 9119 (6f)] [partial veto] -
Act 9debt, publicDebt, Public, see also specific agency or department
General obligation bonding refunding authority increased [Sec. 3] -
Act 185Local exposition districts: special debt service reserve funds revisions [Sec. 1850qe-qi] -
Act 9Personal property tax exemption on all machinery, tools, and patterns; maximum individual income tax sliding scale standard deduction increased; state’s general obligation and variable rate debt reduction [vetoed] -
SB821Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: general obligation bonding authority increased and issuance of revenue bonds authorized [Sec. 122, 171-176, 296, 339, 1957-1960] -
Act 9Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: term and repayment of loan revisions [Sec. 1960b, c] -
Act 9Dental services to MA recipients with disabilities: increase MA reimbursement rates [Sec. 9119 (9)] -
Act 9Educational loan assistance program administered by the UW Board of Regents for physicians, dentists, and other health care providers: agree to practice in eligible practice area for certain amount of time to be eligible, definition provision -
Act 58Health care provider credentials issued by DSPS: exemption from renewal during the 2020 public health emergency; former health care providers may obtain temporary credentials under certain conditions, health care facility and medical malpractice provisions; fee provision [Sec. 86, 105 (4), (5)] -
Act 185Health care providers from another state: temporary credentials during the 2020 public health emergency, health care facility and medical malpractice provisions [Sec. 105 (6), (7)] -
Act 185Marquette University School of Dentistry rural dentistry scholarship program created [Sec. 135g, r, 392m] [135g, 392m -- partial veto; 135r -- vetoed] -
Act 9Seal-a-Smile program: DHS grants expanded [Sec. 1892, 9119 (6)] -
Act 9Electric weapon prohibition exception for private security personnel on official duty -
Act 87dhsDHS, see health services department of -- specific subheading
Cancer clinical trial participation: reimbursement of patient-incurred expenses not considered undue inducement -
Act 150COVID-19 diagnosis or suspected diagnosis: prohibited actions by insurers, pharmacy benefit managers, and self-insured health plans [Sec. 13, 14, 20, 75, 78, 91, 93-95] -
Act 185COVID-19 pandemic: state government response -
Act 185COVID-19 testing: health insurance policies required to cover without copayment or coinsurance [Sec. 92, 96] -
Act 185Diabetes care and prevention action program: DHS to develop; DETF, DPI, and DOC provisions; biennial report required -
Act 154Dispensing, distributing, or selling dialysate drugs, or devices necessary for providing home peritoneal kidney dialysis to patient with end-stage renal disease: exemption from pharmacist license requirement, conditions set -
Act 13Emergency medical supply manufacturers, distributors, and sellers who donate or sell during the declared COVID-19 emergency: civil liability exemption established; conditions and charitable organization provision [Sec. 99-104] -
Act 185Injury to first responder re exposure to COVID-19 during 2020 public health emergency is presumed to be caused by the individual’s employment for WC purposes [Sec. 33, 34] -
Act 185Lyme disease: DNR awareness campaign requirements, state park brochure provision -
Act 158Lyme disease informational signs: DNR and DHS to collaborate on signs for state parks, trails, recreational areas, and forests -
Act 73``Mental health crisis intervention services" changed to ``crisis intervention services" and adds intellectual disability, substance abuse, and dementia; county contribution provision [Sec. 680, 681, 691] [681 -- partial veto] -
Act 9Persons who die of COVID-19: issuance of cremation permit without viewing the corpse and within 48 hours; if individual was in DOC custody, limited examination of deceased instead of full autopsy [Sec. 105 (15)] -
Act 185Services by out-of-network provider during declared public health emergency in response to COVID-19 pandemic: requiring enrollee to pay more than in-network provider prohibited; conditions and OCI duties [Sec. 89] -
Act 185Well-Woman Program: multiple sclerosis services funding limit [Sec. 1950] -
Act 9Authority to represent public interest in proceedings under the Children’s Code: provisions for county board of supervisors to transfer authority to or from the DA modified -
Act 134DA positions added, one-step pay progression increase, and assistant DA positions added [Sec. 9110 (1f), 9210 (1e), (1f)] [9210 (1e), (1f) -- partial veto] -
Act 9Selective abortions and disability-selective abortion prohibited; civil remedies and injunctive relief provisions [vetoed] -
AB182dnrDNR, see natural resources department of -- specific subheading
Wisconsin 9/11 Memorial Highway: portion of STH 28 in Dodge and Washington counties designated as; directional signs for the Wisconsin 9/11 Memorial and Education Center and highway map provisions; DOT duties -
Act 20Sexual contact with an animal, obscene depictions of, or facilitating access to animal for purposes of: felony penalties; child under age 13, sex offender registration, animal retained as evidence, court assessed expenses, and reporting mistreatment of dogs provisions -
Act 162Washington Island Observer newspaper eligible to receive compensation for publishing legal notices -
Act 32dotDOT, see transportation department of -- specific subheading
Driver school offices located in residences -
Act 89Human trafficking: commercial driver education courses must include instruction on recognizing and preventing -
Act 27Abortion-inducing drug regimen: informed consent requirements and hospital, clinic, or other facility reporting requirement [vetoed] -
AB180Dispensing, distributing, or selling dialysate drugs, or devices necessary for providing home peritoneal kidney dialysis to patient with end-stage renal disease: exemption from pharmacist license requirement, conditions set -
Act 13Methadone may be used in DHS opioid or methamphetamine treatment programs [Sec. 750, 751] -
Act 9Opioid antagonist administration and medication-assisted treatment: county jails may enter into a written agreement to provide and civil liability immunity; DHS to study medication-assisted treatment in prisons and jails, report required -
Act 119Pharmacists authorized to extend a prescription order during the 2020 public health emergency under certain conditions [Sec. 87, 88] -
Act 185Prescription drug limits: health insurance policy or pharmacy benefit manager prohibited from imposing during the 2020 public health emergency, exception for controlled substances [Sec. 90, 97] -
Act 185Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: certain sunsets extended -
Act 121Step therapy protocols for prescription drug coverage established -
Act 12Industrial hemp laws revised; ``hemp” replaces ``industrial hemp;” DATCP and DOJ duties; THC provisions -
Act 68Methadone may be used in DHS opioid or methamphetamine treatment programs [Sec. 750, 751] -
Act 9Homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle: mandatory period of confinement -
Act 31Lifetime revocation of motor vehicle operating privilege for certain OWI-related offenses: technical changes -
Act 107OWI penalties for fifth and sixth offense: bifurcated sentence provision -
Act 106